MIUM0018_REV06_ QRCE_20180312-MIUM-ENG-AQ AQ_001523_02_0721
Once support feet are mounted, unit shall be turn to be placed vertically; for this purpose, use the upper
longitudinal bracket and operate as shown on
fig. 4a
. The rotation of the unit shall be done in complete safety
With roof cover (supplied to be mounted), once unit is in vertical position, remove the screws fixing the upper
bracket and the same screws on the other upper side; do not use the bracket, put the roof cover on the top panels
and, by reusing all the screws and the rubber washers supplied together with the roof cover, fix the roof cover
fig. 4b
4.3 Requirements of the place of installation and installation of basic unit
Framework supporting the unit (and its possible options) shall be suitable to to support the whole weight; position
of supporting points (horizontal version) are shown on
fig. 5
QRCE Model
N° of support points to be used
4 at corner points
4 at corner points
4 at corner 2 in the middle
4 at corner 2 in the middle
4 at corner 2 in the middle
4 at corner 2 in the middle
Fig. 5
Fig. 4a
Fig. 4b