If status is NO SYNC or NO DATA and auto-hang up option is enabled, the call
will be rejected after the defined time, and the "OK" key illumination will turn off.
Once connected with the remote end, verify that the vumeters in Phoenix ALIO front panel show
the presence of send and received audio, and adjust levels as necessary.
5.3.3. Establishing an IP call in DIRECT SIP mode.
This mode is simply a variation of PROXY SIP, using the same signaling and call establishment
protocol, but without the aid of an external server, so that the destination IP needs to be known.
Note that since "SmartRTP" mode is offered in Phoenix audiocodecs, the DIRECT SIP mode
doesn’t offer obvious functional advantages, so its use will be typically relegated to cases where
operation against third-party or older units is required.
Check that the unit is ON.
Check that the RJ45 cable is connected and latched.
Check that the amber LED, integrated in the RJ45 port, is flashing.
Establish the desired audio configuration (inputs routing, gains, mix levels, MIC4 / LINE
IN mode, and outputs).
If the coordination channel license is activated, select the channel we want to call from
by means of the "NAVI / Ch" button. The corresponding legend will get illuminated
between the vumeters (
Press the "SIP" key until "PROG/COORD CHANNEL - DIRECT SIP MODE" is
displayed. Press the "MENU" key, select "COMMUNICATIONS" and verify that the
involved channel has been assigned a correct URI name. You can edit that name
(confirmation is provided by pressing the "NAVI / Ch" button, or cancelled with a long
pressing of "ESC / DEL" key; the cursor can be moved using the "NAV / Ch" encoder
and characters are erased with "ESC / DEL" key).
Verify the status of the communications. Check that the "SIP" key is steadily illuminated.
If it blinks, there is some problem with the Ethernet connection and the unit won’t allow
you to make any calls. If this is the case, check connectivity and configuration under the
ETHERNET and NAT menus carefully (all of them accessibly with the "MENU" key).
Select a coding profile according to the desired quality and network capabilities by
pressing the "CODEC" button.
Establish the desired automatic options (Auto Answer, auto-hang up and permanent
call) by means of the "AUTO" key.
Press the "OK" button. The numeric keyboard will become illuminated in a color that
depends on the active channel: red (PROGRAM) or green (COORDINATION).
Using the "NAVI / Ch" encoder, select whether you want to call from an agenda contact
(CONTACT LIST), select one of the LAST CALLS or just type it in manually (URI):
When typing the URI manually, the cursor can be moved by means of the "NAVI / Ch"
encoder and characters at its left can be erased with the "ESC / DEL" key. The (*) key
shifts the writing mode between lower case (abc), capitals (ABC) or numbers (123). This
latest mode is useful to type IP addreses. In alphanumeric mode, the "1" key allows for
the insertion of several symbols (@, -, _, ., : ).
Once the URI is typed in, press the "OK" key to confirm or press the "ESC / DEL" key
for a longer time to cancel.
The URIs must be specified according to one of the following formats: