e) Install the AEM
filter on to the end of the inlet tube.
Push the filter over the inlet pipe until the stop in the
filter is reached and install one hose clamp to secure
the filter onto the inlet pipe. Once fitment is checked,
tighten the hose clamp.
f) Using the bolt removed from step 3a, install the air
duct support bracket where the stock air filter
housing was removed. Install the supplied rubber
edge trim on the inside of the bracket.
g) Install the previously removed stock air duct from
step 2b. Use the stock plastic rivets as shown.
h) Align the duct outlet with the bracket installed in
Step 3f.
i) Install the supplied AEM
sticker onto the air duct as
j) Check fitment around the entire intake. Tighten the
hose clamps at the throttle body and silicone coupling.
Tighten the bolt on the mounting bracket. Re-connect
the MAF wiring harness.