The Scale key is used to cycle through preset vertical scales on the measurement screens.
SWR and RL have only one scale on the left side of the plot. Repeated presses will present
the next scale range in the cycle. See Section 3 Measurement screens for more information
on selecting and changing Scales.
The Sweep/Continuous Wave key will switch between swept and CW measurement. The LED
indicator flashes when the instrument is sweeping the selected band or transmitting the center
is the normal mode performing frequency sweeps from low to high frequency
selected and measurements appear in graphic plots. Continuous Wave mode stops the
Sweep mode and only emits a
continuous wave
at the Center Frequency. This
changes the graphic plot to a list of tests showing digital value responses. The
Continuous Wave mode is useful when the antenna or other DUT is being tuned or
adjusted. In CW mode, measurements refresh at a faster rate than in Sweep mode.
See the
Measurement Screens
section on page 14 for information on setup and cycling through the
readings list. To exit Sweep/CW, press SWR/RL or VNA to enter those modes.
The CRSR (Cursor) key is used to activate Cursor A or both A & B Cursors with a second
press of the key. Cursors are controlled as follows:
A: Single cursor with data on screen. Cursor A LED lit. Use the left/ right arrow key to
move the cursor. Readings will automatically update to cursor’s position.
A & B: Press the CRSR key a second time to add the B cursor. Both A & B Cursor LEDs
will be lit.
Dual cursors will display on screen with curso
rs’ differential reading (CRSR ∆) below Cursor B. The
active cursor will be the last CRSR summoned with the CRSR key and the left/right arrow key will
control that cursor.
To alternate between the Cursors A & B to change which cursor is active, press the CRSR key as
needed. Exit cursors
– Press the ESC key once to exit Cursor B only or reduce to Cursor A only and
twice to exit both cursors.
The Escape key has the following uses:
A. Exits menus or backs up one menu level saving any changes.
B. Exits the cursors as described above.
C. In HELP mode, ESC closes the on-screen HELP window and returns to either the
Measurement Screen or the menu or function where it was pressed to continue what you
what operation you were doing when HELP was pressed.
D. In Memory Save or Cable Null, Escape cancels the process prior to completion.
E. See on-screen prompts about using ESC to complete the current operation.
The ENTER key has the following uses:
In any measurement screen with a highlighted testing parameter, it will either cycle
through that parameter’s presets or exit to data entry screen like FREQ for example.
A. Saves alpha-numeric entries and moves to the next step.
B. In the Mode Menu the ENTER key activates the highlighted sub-menu.