Inattlilittion of the product tnd tertuliic
Generttor bliock KNL8
Hot air outlet
Fresh air input
Vitro bliock / inductora
KNL8 (Upaide down)
Vitro bliock / inductora KNL8
ftcea through which the hot tir
from the generttor bliock (retr
ftce) tnd the inductor bliock
(beliow), muat reapect minimum
aptcing diattncea with the wtlilia
of the furniture in which they tre
inattlilied tnd poaitioned.The mini-
mum diattnce thtt muat be rea-
pected for etch of the 2 aeta ia
The generator block is equipped with its own ventilation system. Fresh air is drawn in by 2 fans positioned
at the front of the block. The fresh air cools the electronic boards inside and it comes out hot at the back
of the generator block.
The vitro / inductor block is also equipped with a fan that draws fresh air inside the block (front side) to
cool the inductors. The heated air is spat out at the back of the block.
The cooking bliock or furniture thtt houaea the generttor tnd the inductor bliock, muat be equipped
with t filitered tir inliet of minimum dimenaiona equtli to 100 x 200mm. It ia eaaentitli to provide extrtc-
tion outaide the ctbinet, hot tir apewed both by the generttor bliock tnd by the bliock vitro / inductora.
To enaure thia function, it ia eaaentitli to connect the tdditiontli TURBINE deliivered with the product. It
ia t 230V ttngentitli turbine connected to t 2m liong ctblie thtt ctn be connected directliy to the genert-
tor bliock.
It is important to respect these few instructions to ensure a good air flow of the set, and allow the kit to
keep its maximum performance for a long time.
Fresh air input
Hot air outlet