AdvenChair Field Guide
Page 35
Ready to Roll Checklist
Expected time frames for the hike
Expected weather
Expected trail conditions
Explanation of team member roles
We’re not in a hurry. Slow down when things get rough
Communicate about trail conditions.
What should be considered an obstacle and worth talking about?
Review voice commands
Remember that shorter drivers can’t see the trail. Help them out
Who is the point-of-contact if help is needed?
What is their phone number?
Is there cell service for a 911 call?
AdvenChair COVID-19 Precautions
Pay attention to the four Cs: Close contact, confined spaces, crowds, choices.
Every individual ultimately must make a personal decision about the level of risk he or she is
comfortable with, weighing their own age and health status, life circumstances and general
level of risk aversion or tolerance.
All team members are free of COVID-19 symptoms: temperature, cough
Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet
Wear a mask when near others
Limit team size to 5 - Rider, driver, 3 mules. Preferably driver is from household of rider,
or in regular contact. Mules preferably from same household or in regular contact
Clean chair between users
Use hand sanitizer
Avoid touching face
Communication from a distance to mitigate proximity
Use easy, moderate trails that do not require lifting
Limit time in proximity to others
Travel separately in vehicles to/from trailhead
Check with the local health district about COVID-19 conditions and restrictions in the