Immersion Heater - 7.5kW / 9kW
7.5kW: 0304296S / 9kW: EB0016
Immersion Heater 7.5kW provides electrical backup water heating.
The 9kW immersion heater is 3 phase and has the control and overheat stat
built into the housing. It has a green LED to indicate running.
If there is a fault with the immersion heater 9kW it will not operate.
Part Name:
Adveco Part Number:
1. With the power off, Measure resistance between 1L1/1N1, 1L2/1N1, and 1L3/1N1 in the control panel. The
correct reading is 21Ω for the 7.5kW heater and 18Ω for the 9kW heater. If any phase is open circuit, replace the
Immersion heater.
2. With the power on, CB1, CB2, and CB3 on, put the SGE in fault and wait 5 minutes then measure voltage
between 1L1/E, 1L2/E, and 1L3/E. The correct reading is 230V. If 0V at these points, test K1M.
3. With the power on, CB1, CB2, and CB3 on, and the temperature control dial on the immersion heater turned all
the way clockwise, put the SGE in fault and wait 5 minutes then measure current in cables from 1L1, 1L2, and 1L3.
The correct reading is approximately 11A (but this will vary with the site voltage). If 0A to all phases then:
With the power off remove the lid from the Immersion Heater Housing and locate the control and overheat
stats. Press the reset button on the overheat stat and repeat current test. If 11A/phase found, remove the
stats from the immersion housing and calibrate them with warm water. Replace if either is faulty. If still 0
Amps to all phases then:
With the power off, and the temperature in the tank below the control and overheat set points, test continuity
between terminals of the stats. The correct reading is closed circuit. If open circuit, replace faulty stat.
3. Troubleshooting
P R A C T I C A L , E F F I C I E N T & S U S T A I N A B L E B U I L D I N G S E R V I C E S S O L U T I O N S
EB0025-EB0028-EB0030 Control Panel -
Installation and maintenance manual