26 PCA-6145B/6145L User's Manual
BIOS features setup
By choosing the "BIOS FEATURES SETUP" option from the
CMOS SETUP screen menu, the following screen is displayed.
This sample scree contains the manufacturer's default values for
the PCA-6145B/PCA-6145L.
Virus Warning
During and after the system boots up, any attempt to write to the
boot sector or partition table of the hard disk drive will halt the
system. In this case, if Virus Warning is enabled, the following
error message will automatically appear:
You can run the anti-virus program to locate the problem.
If Virus Warning is Disabled, no warning message will appear if
anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition.
Esc : Quit
: Select Item
F1 : Help
PU / PD / + / - : Modify
F5 : Old Values
(Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Disk boot sector is to be modified
Type "Y" to accept write or "N" to abort write
Award Software, Inc.
Virus Warning
: Disabled
Video BIOS Shadow
: Enabled
CPU Internal Cache
: Enabled
C8000-CBFFF Shadow
: Disabled
External Cache
: Enabled
CC000-CFFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Quick Power On Self Test
: Enabled
D0000-D3FFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Sequence
: A,C
D4000-D7FFF Shadow
: Disabled
Swap Floppy Drive
: Disabled
D8000-DBFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Up Floppy Seek
: Enabled
DC000-DFFFF Shadow
: Disabled
Boot Up NumLock Status
: On
Boot Up System Speed
: High
IDE HDD Block Mode
: Enabled
Gate A20 Option
: Fast
Typematic Rate Setting
: Disabled
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
: 6
Typematic Delay (Msec)
: 250
Security Option
: Setup
OS Select for DRAM > 64MB : Non-OS2