Chapter 5 SVGA Setup 53
Configuring WordPerfect 5.0 for 132 columns
Follow these instructions to configure WordPerfect 5.0 for 132
column text mode:
Step 1: To use the SETCOL program to set 132 columns and 25
rows, type the following command:
SETCOL 132, 25 <ENTER>
Step 2: Start WordPerfect. The program will detect the number
of rows and columns automatically. If for some reason WordPer-
fect is unable to adapt to 132 columns by 25 rows, start WordPer-
fect with the following command:
WP /SS=25,132 <ENTER>
Configuring WordPerfect 5.1 for 132 columns
Start WordPerfect and press <SHIFT>+<F1> to enter the setup
menu. Select D for Display and T for Text Screen Type and then
select Chips 132 Column Text.