FWA-2112 User Manual
lm-sensors is an open source application used to provide hardware monitoring for
voltage, thermal and FAN sensors on platforms without BMC. Refer to https://
linux.die.net/man/1/sensors for more details about lm-sensors.
A kernel driver of nct6106 for Advantech NCG platform is necessary to make the lm-
sensors work, insert the Advantech sample nct6106.ko. Please contact Advantech
FAE for sample driver of nc6106.
The configuration file sensors3.conf.adv.fwa2112 which defines sensor naming,
upper or lower thresholds as well as other settings for lm_sensors is under /etc direc
tory. Please note different platform or SKU might need different configuration file,
please contact Advantech AE if you need detail clarification.
Here is a sample sensors3.conf.adv.fwa2112 file for FWA-2112:
# lsmod |grep -i nct
# sudo insmod nct6106.ko
# lsmod |grep -i nct
nct6106 22425 0
chip "nct6106-*"
label in0 "VCGI_SVID-VOL"
ignore in1
ignore in2
label in3 "PAY_3_3-VOL"
ignore in4
label in5 "PAY_5_0-VOL"
label in6 "PAY_3_3_SB-VOL"
label in7 "VBAT-VOL"
ignore in8
compute in5 (4 *@) , (@/4)
set in0_min 0.45*1
set in0_max 1.3*1
set in3_min 3.135*1
set in3_max 3.465*1
set in5_min 4.75*1
set in5_max 5.25*1
set in6_min 3.135*1
set in6_max 3.465*1
set in7_min 2*1
set in7_max 3.4*1
# Fans
label fan1 "SYS_FAN2-SPEED"
label fan2 "SYS_FAN1-SPEED"
label fan3 "SYS_FAN3-SPEED"
# Temperatures
ignore temp1
ignore temp2
ignore temp3
ignore temp4
ignore temp5
ignore temp6