If HDD OVERWRITE is OFF when the HDD is full, the NVR will warn you to change the setup or
replace the HDD. If disk warning is activated, a Disk Full Icon
will appear on the screen. If then,
enable the HDD overwrite feature or replace your HDD(s) immediately.
2) Auto Delete. You can choose this option if you want to delete data on a HDD after an elapse of
certain period of time of recording.
If you want to use the “Auto Delete” option, click on the box right next to the “Auto Delete” option.
“Auto Delete” window will be displayed. It will ask you if you would like to proceed. If you click OK, you
can select number of days to auto delete. If the user set the “Auto Delete” as 60days, the NVR will
delete the data which is elapsed of 60 days.
3.2.5. Schedule Setup
This menu allows you to create your own recording schedule and trigger type. To enable this feature,
schedule recording feature at RECORD->POLICY->SCHEDULE menu must be turned “ON”. Using
direction keys and ENTER button, choose preferred record types (such as Continuous, Event, Both
(Cont&Evnt) on the selected time and date. Different color will represent different recording types.
1) CH : 1 ~ 4
Select channel for schedule recording.
Select the desired day for schedule recording.
Move the cursor to desired time and press ENTER key to set it highlighted. Press click again to
change schedule recording option by color.