20 Gear Drive, Plymouth Ind. Park, Terryville, CT 06786
Tel: (860) 585-1254 Fax: (860) 584-1973 http://www.amci.com
SMD23E2 and SMD24E2 User’s Manual
Manual Layout
You will most likely read this manual for one of two reasons:
If you are curious about the Integrated Stepper Indexer/Driver/Motor products from AMCI, this manual
contains the information you need to determine if these products are the right products for your applica-
tion. The first chapter,
SMD23E2 & SMD24E2 Specifications
contains all of the information you will
need to fully specify the right product for your application.
If you need to install and use an Integrated Stepper Indexer/Driver/Motor product from AMCI, then the
rest of the manual is written for you. To simplify installation and configuration, the rest of the manual is
broken down into
. Using an Integrated Stepper Indexer/Driver/Motor product
requires you to complete multiple tasks, and the manual is broken down into sections that explain how
to complete each one.
Manual Sections
Section Title
Section Description
Complete specifications for the SMD23E2 and SMD24E2 product lines.
Reference information on how the SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 can be used
to control motion in your application.
Reference information on calculating detailed move profiles.
Reference information on how to set the home position of the SMD23E2
or SMD24E2.
Reference information on the format of the network data to and from the
SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 that is used to configure it.
Reference information on the format of the network data to and from the
SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 that is used to command it.
Task instructions covering how to install an SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 on
a machine. Includes information on mounting, grounding, and wiring
specific to the units.
Task instructions that covers the options for setting the IP address on an
SMD23E2 or SMD24E2.
Task instructions that cover how to add an SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 to an
EtherNet/IP host that supports the use of EDS files.
Task instructions for adding an SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 to a project as a
generic device. This configuration is for EtherNet/IP hosts that do not
support EDS files while supporting implicit communications.
Task instructions for adding message instructions to you host controller
program that read and write data to the SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 through
message instructions.
Task instructions for communicating with an SMD23E2 or SMD24E2
using the Modbus TCP protocol.
Task instructions that covers how to add an SMD23E2 or SMD24E2 to a
PROFINET network.
Instructions for the optional task of configuring network interfaces on
your computer or laptop.