Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer Service Guide
Appendix F
Product disposal and recycling
International concern about environmental pollution resulting from improper disposal of products and materials at the end
of their useful life has resulted in an increase in legislation to control the methods and procedures used to handle waste
electrical and electronic equipment. While the regulatory status in some regions of the world has progressed to the point
where formal legislation is already in effect, many other regions are in the process of creating similar legislation or
adopting that already in existence in other areas. The result in the years ahead will be more stringent control over disposal
of products and recycling of their components once they are withdrawn from use.
Since regulations governing the disposal of the instrument and accessories may vary depending upon your geographic
location, the following guidelines are provided to assist you in identifying the options available to you once the decision
has been made to replace or dispose of this product:
Contact the supplier who sold you the product.
Whether you purchased the product from Advanced Instruments or
from one of its authorized dealers, this supplier should be knowledgeable about the national and local regulations
governing disposal and recycling of products in your area. In some cases, this supplier may be legally obligated to
accept the product from you and arrange for proper disposal or recycling with no further involvement on your part.
Alternately, the supplier can provide you with specific instructions for actions that you can take to dispose of the
product properly.
Contact your local government agency responsible for waste collection and disposal.
They can identify procedures and
restrictions in effect to ensure proper disposal, and available locations where products can be sent.
Contact Advanced Instruments Hot-Line Technical Service.
(See “Contacting Advanced Instruments” on page 5).
Technical Service personnel can provide you with contact information for local disposal or with instructions for returning
the product directly to Advanced Instruments.