Chapter 2
Single-Sample Micro-Osmometer Service Guide
2.4 Connecting to a network (optional)
To connect the Osmo1 to a laboratory information
system (LIS) and/or to a local area network (LAN), plug
an Ethernet cable that connects to the network into the
Ethernet port on the back of the Osmo1 unit (Figure 2 on
page 13).
You must also configure the communication
settings in the Osmo1 software. For more
information, see “Setting up LIS communication”
on page 30 and “Configuring a LAN
connection” on page 31.
2.5 Powering up the instrument
Connect the power cord to the back of the
instrument (Figure 2 on page 13) and insert the
plug into the power outlet.
Power on the instrument using the rocker switch on
the back.
Press the side marked with the
When the unit powers up, the Welcome screen
displays (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Osmo1 Welcome screen
After a few moments, the Osmo1 Home screen
displays (Figure 9).
From the Home screen, you can initiate sample
testing and view the results. Initially, the instrument
status shown in the green status banner is
Osmometer Ready
Figure 9: Osmo1 Home screen