Outputs For Reject and Signal Devices
The detector has internal timing circuitry for the control of a variety of reject and alarm devices. Instructions for
setting the reject delay and operate timing are given later in this manual.
The solid state relay outputs 3, 4, and 5 are configurable as normally open or normally closed and can be
changed by pressing Menu / Level 3 / Reject Options / Relay Config (See reject menu section for more details).
Theses are solid state relays and are designed to control AC voltages only.
In the case of the mechanical relay outputs 1 and 2, all three outputs (COMM, NO, and NC) are provided and
can be wired as normally open or normally closed. The voltage can be AC or DC.
All outputs are unpowered, or dead, contacts. In order to use them to control reject or alarm devices, a power
source must be supplied. The customer may supply the source or use the switched 115 VAC source available at
Terminal L OUT.
Wiring for Conveyor Stop on Detection of Metal
Wire the conveyor motor control relay in series with any relay output that has been configured as normally
closed. When metal is detected, the output relay contacts will open and cause the control relay in the motor
starter to de-energize and stop the conveyor. This occurs after the delay time has elapsed.
Use the delay time if you want the contaminated product to stop at a particular spot on the conveyor. If you
want the conveyor to stop immediately, set the delay time to zero. The conveyor may be restarted by pressing
the start button on the conveyor motor starter. The conveyor will not start until the operate time has elapsed.
Do not wire full motor voltage through the metal detector contacts. They should be used for
control voltage only.
Refer to wiring diagrams (Figures 2 through 5) at the end of this manual for specific voltages.
Wiring for a Reject Device, Light, or Alarm
Verify that the device is rated for the correct voltage. Devices that activate when power is applied should use
the normally open configuration. Devices that activate by an interruption of power should use the normally
closed configuration.
Standard method:
All relay outputs can also be used to control reject devices, lights, and alarms. However,
these outputs are unpowered, or dead, contacts. A power source must be supplied by an external means or it
may be supplied by the metal detector via terminal L OUT.
Connect the power source to one side of the relay output. The device is then connected to the other side of the
relay output. The remaining side of the device is connected to Terminal N OUT to complete the circuit. Set
delay and operate times as required. Instructions for setting the timing are included elsewhere in this manual.
Refer to wiring diagrams (Figures 6 and 7) at the end of this manual for specific voltages.