Follow these hints to assure the best results when learning product:
1. Pick a sample product that is representative of products that will be run during production.
2. If products vary in size, pick the largest representative product. This will give you the "worst case" in
background product signal. In this case, the final set-up of the metal detector will be more conservative. This
means it will be slightly less efficient at detecting smaller metal contaminants, but will result in fewer false
3. Make sure the learn procedure is done under the same conditions as production. For example, if the product
being inspected is hard frozen, make sure the sample used to learn is hard frozen. Variations in product
temperature can change the product signal a great deal.
4. Partial thawing of hard frozen products will give uncertain phase values. For all practical purposes, partially
frozen meat products should not be used for auto-learning.
5. Make sure the sample product is uncontaminated by metal. If, by chance, a contaminated product is chosen
for the learn procedures, then the metal detector will "think" that metal contamination is acceptable, and not
reject it.
6. If the package is irregularly shaped, make sure to pass the package through the search head with the same
orientation as the packages will go through the detector during production. Package orientation has a large
effect on product signal.
7. Keep moving metal objects away from the metal detector head during learn. Putting hands near the detector
aperture can cause poor results especially if the operator is wearing rings, watches, or other metal objects.
8. Remember that during the learn time the metal detector is learning what is acceptable. During this time keep
vibration, metal, and any other items, including hands, away from the metal detector.
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