Product tracking is used when the product being inspected will slowly change during the course of a run. The
change may be a gradual change in product temperature, moisture content, or mass. It is important to note that
the change must be gradual. If the product changes suddenly, the detector will trigger. The default setting of
the product tracking system is “OFF”. If you find that the detector begins to trip after the product changes
slightly during the day, go to the level 3 menu and press the “PRODUCT TRACKING” button to go to the
“PRODUCT TRACKING MENU”. Turn it on by pressing the “ON OFF” button. Product tracking is a method
of averaging the signal coming from the product so that as the signal changes gradually during the day, the
allowed signal will gradually change also. The product tracking menu allows the operator to select how many
samples to use for the averaging process. The number of samples is adjustable from 50 to 250. The slower the
rate of change, the larger number of samples should be used. It may be a trial and error method to find out
what is best for your application. To change the product count, touch the count number once to highlight the
number and again to bring up the keypad. Enter the number of samples and press the enter key. Press the
“PREVIOUS MENU” button to return to the level 3 menu. Consult factory if you are having large variances
with your product.
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