In general
The reserve handle and the four-flap inner container are fixed togeth-
er and this combination is designed so that the pull of the handle acts
equally over the whole width of the inner conatiner. This minimises the
risk of the container jamming in the reserve compartment, or the re-
serve lines getting caught up. The reserve handle together with the
four-flap inner container are essential parts of the harness, and this ar-
rangement conforms to the latest LTF certification requirements. Only
the original reserve handle with its four-flap inner container is allowed
to be used.
Packing the reserve in the inner container
Always fold your reserve to the shape and dimensions of the inner con-
tainer supplied with the BIPRO 3. At the final packing stage put the line
bundles opposite the reserve handle. When the lines have been sto-
wed in the inner container there should be 90 cm of reserve line remai-
ning outside, between the inner container and bridle/steerable risers.