Installing the reserve
General advice
The reserve compartment is in the BIPRO 3 lower back region.
Installing the reserve must be done by a suitably
skilled person . Your safety depends on it!
Bear in mind that every reserve/harness combination has its own pe-
culiarities. To ensure a reliable function it is essential that pilot and
packer are familiar with the system before the reserve is installed. We
strongly recommend that the reserve is installed by a qualified person
or your ADVANCE dealer.
Suitable reserves/reserve compartment volume
Older type, relatively bulky reserves, are more difficult to deploy from
modern and more compact harnesses, especially under high g load-
ings. Certified reserve volume limits for the BI PRO are 5 to 9 litres.
For a general approximation of a reserve volume, its weight
in kilos x 2.7 gives a volume in litres. But, depending on packing
style and skill, it can still be that a reserve that conforms to the
maximum certified volume for a container, using the weight for-
mula above, cannot be released without problem.
When installation is complete only a test release/
compatibility check can confirm that the actual reserve/BIPRO 3
combination will work .
A reserve parachute volume can expand by up to
30 % when it has been newly folded . ADVANCE therefore
strongly recommend that a new compatibility test is carried out
after every repack .
Steerable Reserves
The BIPRO 3 is not suitable for steerable reserves.