Section 61181300L1-5C, Issue 3
Shelf: Slot:
Total Access System
02/18/98 02:24:18
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
Circuit ID
1. Port 1
2. Port 2
3. Port 3
4. Port 4
‘?’ - System Help Screen
Figure 36. Circuit ID Screen
2. Type “2” and press Enter to switch the Working
QFO-C to protect (
Figure 35
Setting the Port Circuit ID
1. From the QFO-C Main Menu Screen, type “8” and
press Enter to select Circuit ID. The Circuit ID
S creen (
Figure 36
) will appear.
Figure 35. Protection Switch Activate Screen
Shelf: Slot:
Total Access System
02/18/98 02:24:18
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
ACT Activate
1. Do Not Switch
2. Switch
‘?’ - System Help Screen