How to setup a Zixi IP stream on the Adtec Encoders
The Zixi technology can be used to enhance the stability of an IP stream when the network
is not in a controlled environment. The use of FEC and latency allows the receiver to request
any missing packets and the encoder to resend as needed.
1. Verify that the ZIXI-TX feature key is enabled on the Features tab under Upgrade.
If key is disabled, please contact your sales person at [email protected] to
purchase the key.
2. Once the key is enabled proceed to the IP Transport tab under Services.
3. Set the IP Tx Mode to Zixi Feeder.
4. Next input either the IP address of the Zixi Receiver or the Zixi Broadcaster into the
Multicast IPA box. Along with the port in the Multicast Port Box. The default Port is 2088.
5. Select the correct Multicast Connector, IP1 or IP2.
6. Under Zixi Parameters, input a Stream Name and Latency. If needed also input a
Password and adjust FEC settings.
7. Finally, set the Multicast Mode to SEND and click Apply.
-Please refer to ? help blurbs for more detailed information.
-Bitrates and latencies are dependent on available bandwidth and stability of the network. A
higher latency is recommended for unstable networks.
-To turn off FEC set the Overhead and Block to 0. This will drop all FEC packets. Testing will
need to occur to see if FEC is needed for the network being used. Not using FEC packets will