ADOS S.R.L. Buccinasco (MI)
Rev. 4
Page 24 of 49
Auxiliary serial interface
The auxiliary line can be configured in one of the following ways:
The speed of the auxiliary line is set at 1200 baud.
The TCONT modality is used to link with the remote repeaters such as RIP14, RIP51, RIP70 or with
instruments for remote thresholds.
In the TCONT modality, the instrument continuously transmits a string with the following format:
“Start Of Test” (Hex 02) character
“Blank” (Hex 20) or “-” (Hex 2D) character to indicate the polarity of the data
string of 7 numerical characters (Hex 30 .. 39) and possibly with “.” (Hex 2E)
“K” (Hex 4B)
“G” (Hex 47) or “N” (Hex 4E) character to indicate the Gross/Net state
one of the following characters:
(Hex 20)
System under normal operating conditions
(Hex 43)
Instrument to calibrate (invalid data)
(Hex 43)
Instrument being configured
(Hex 4F)
Instrument off scale
(Hex 4D)
Moving weight
“Carriage Return” character (Hex 0D)
“Line Feed” character (Hex 0A)