RK3000 High Frequency Power Supply
Operating Manual
Page 24 of 73
There are two different ways that the RK3000 control can be configured. The first
configuration is a one-to-one configuration where there is one Keyboard and Display unit,
and one Interface Board, on each control cabinet. The second configuration is a one-to-
many configuration where one or more Keypad and Display Units are connected to many
Interface Boards in an equal number of control cabinets.
Programming for the two different configurations is the same. However, there are fewer
screens to program with the one-to-one configuration because the Keypad and Display
Unit does not have a Device Select Screen nor (if you use the default setting) does it
need to be told which Interface Boards it should be communicating with.
Viewing Parameters
An access code is not required to view any of the control parameters, modes, limits, set
points, toggles, displays, etc. A code is also is not required to change screen views. To
view information, follow the same instructions as for programming a parameter.
Security Programming Code Entry
Before any programming changes can be made, a security code must be entered into the
control. This is accomplished by pressing the CODE key while in the Device Selection,
Device Status, or Electrical Reading Screens.
Press the numerical keys that correspond to the proper security code. As the numbers
are entered, pound signs (#) will appear on the Enter Code line and scroll to the left to
indicate the quantity of numbers already entered. If the correct security code has been
entered, the display will return to the previous screen. If an incorrect security code was
Range: 0000-9999
Enter CODE: