EDM Serial-to-Ethernet Converters
User Guide ver. 2.0 | 2021-09-01
Phone: +420 538 890 720
E-mail: [email protected]
In the General settings section, you can, if necessary:
set a new password to access the converter settings;
set the time of periodic system reboot of converter (in hours);
reset converter settings to factory values;
specify a white list of IP-addresses.
Table 7. General settings.
Default value
Possible values
from 1 to 10 characters
(Latin letters of different case, numbers)
System reboot timeout
24 hours
from 0 (disabled) to 168 hours (7 days)
Step - 1 hour.
Configuring Converter via Console port (RS-232)
In cases where access to the converter via Ethernet is not possible, the device can be configured
through the RS-232 console port (COM-port):
Connect the converter to the PC using a console cable with a DB-9F – DB-9M connector.
Connect one end of the cable to the DB-9F connector of the converter, connect the other end
to the COM port on the PC. If your computer does not have a COM port, use a COM-USB
converter. The COM-port number of the connected device can be seen in the section Device
Ports (COM & LPT).
Switch the converter to console mode: press RESET button on the device case and hold it
pressed for at least 3 seconds. In console mode, RS-232 port operates at speed of 115200 bps.
Open any terminal program on your PC, for example PuTTY. In the connection window, select
Serial connection, enter the COM-port number of the converter, the port speed (115200)
and click Open.
To access the settings in the console window, enter the password (default – adgt):
passw adgt
The responce will be:
Authorization successful
— if the password is correct;
Incorrect password
— if the password is wrong.
For a list of commands for reading and changing the parameters, see
for configuring the converter through the console port
Fig. 9. Web interface of converter. General settings.