Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
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User Manual
PROFIBUS Master / Modbus TCP Slave - Converter
Document code: MN67579_ENG Revision 2.002 Page 19 of 32
By pressing the “
Manual Module
” button from the “PROFIBUS Device” window (Fig. 6) the “Add Module Manually” window appears (Fig. 8).
In this window is possible to add a Module manually, i.e. writing the configuration of the module (in hexadecimal).
The means of the fields are:
In the field “
Description of Module
” a name of the Module is defined;
In the field “
Insert the Configuration of Module (HEX)
” the configuration of the module is defined. The configuration must be
write in hexadecimal mode (without prefix “0x” o “$”).
To modify a Module inserted manually, is neccessary to do a double click on the module to change in the “Select Module” list (Fig. 7, point
(1)). It is possible to change only the module inserted manually.
The Values inserted in the table must between 00 and FF
Figure 8: “Add/Modify Module Manually” window