Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
Phone +39.0438.30.91.31
User Manual
PROFINET Master/ DeviceNet Slave
Document code: MN67B75_ENG Revision 1.000 Pagina 18 di 26
The means of the fields below are:
If the field “
Name of Station
” is checked, the name of the PROFINET slave is defined;
In the field “
IP Address
” the IP Address of the PROFINET slave is defined;
If the field “
Automatic new session when StationProblemIndicator is active
” is checked, the converter will restart the
PROFINET communication when the error indicator in the slave is present;
In the field “
Update Time [ms]
” the delay used for IO communication is defined;
In the field “
Answer TimeOut
” the allowed number of cycles without response from the slave is defined.
The data from/to the slaves are mapped consecutively into the IN/OUT PROFINET arrays, following the order with which they are