IMPORTANT: Before using this product
Prior to use, a prospective user of the product should ensure that individuals
with the appropriate authority implement the following objectives in the
environment where the product is to be used:
• The operational environment procedures must ensure that all users are duly
authorized and possess the necessary privileges to access the information
transferred via the product. This should be implemented physically and in
terms of supporting IT infrastructure.
• Operational procedures must (e.g. re staff vetting and training) ensure
that, as far as is reasonably possible, the product is received, installed and
managed in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. This should also
ensure that users are not malicious or hostile.
• The product should be installed in an environment that is physically secure.
Additionally, the security office in the organisation purchasing the product
should be aware the product is not responsible for security vulnerabilities in
computers, IT components or peripherals outside its physical boundary. The
security of other system components connected to the product will require
separate management to ensure IT security best practice.