TX - General Information
To get here
You can access this page in two ways:
1 On the console keyboard attached to the RX unit, access
the OSD by pressing
2 Click on the
3 If necessary, click the
General Information
1 Connect a computer to the same network as the TX unit.
2 Run a web browser and enter the IP address of the TX
(this is the default address when
using SFP port 3). If you are using SFP port 4 then the
default address will be
If the IP address is unknown, press the small button on the
front panel next to the OLED screen to reveal the value
IP Address 3
(or IP Address 4)
and use that address.
3 Click the
General Information
General Information
Device Type
- States whether the device is a transmitter (TX) or a
receiver (RX).
Device Name
- Name details that you can alter to distinguish this unit
from all others. Not shown when operating under AIM server control.
Device Description
- Allows you to optionally add a description of the
device. Useful when many ALIF units are being used. Not shown when
operating under AIM server control.
Device Location
- Allows you to optionally add a description of the
device’s location. Useful when many ALIF units are being used. Not
shown when operating under AIM server control.
Current Software Version
- Displays the version number of the
currently installed and running internal software (unit can have two
different software versions installed at once).
Serial Number
- Displays the fixed serial number of the device.
Board Revision
- Displays the revision number of the device’s main
circuit board.
Device Model
- Displays the model number of the device.
Date and Time
- Displays the current date and time used by the device
when this page was last loaded (select refresh icon to update).
- Shows the time period for which the device has currently
being running since the last time this page was loaded (select refresh
icon to update).
Identify Device
- When clicked, this button will cause the indicator on
the front panel of the device to flash to assist with identification when
multiple units are installed in the same area. A popup dialog will also be
displayed on screen showing all relevant identification details. Click the
Cancel button to stop the identification process or click the OK button
to close the popup (and then click the Identify Device button when
you’re ready to cancel this operation).
Access Password
- Sets the password that a RX device must provide in
order to connect (video, audio, etc) to the TX
Insecure Connections
- Controls whether the TX will accept insecure
connections from RX devices. Insecure connections are those from
older ALIF products where the security credentials are not implemented.
Initially, the TX will default to ‘auto’ which allows it to decide the setting
based on the type of device that first connects to it. Once a device has
connected, the setting will be changed to either ‘Allowed’ or ‘Disallowed’.