InterReach Fusion Installation, Operation, and Reference Manual
D-620610-0-20 Rev D
Port 3 UL path loss is high.
Check the cable for high RF loss. Switch the cable connec-
tion to a different hub port. If the problem is on more than
one port, replace the Hub, otherwise replace the RAU.
Port 4 UL path loss is high.
Check the cable for high RF loss. Switch the cable connec-
tion to a different hub port. If the problem is on more than
one port, replace the Hub, otherwise replace the RAU.
Port 5 UL path loss is high.
Check the cable for high RF loss. Switch the cable connec-
tion to a different hub port. If the problem is on more than
one port, replace the Hub, otherwise replace the RAU.
Port 6 UL path loss is high.
Check the cable for high RF loss. Switch the cable connec-
tion to a different hub port. If the problem is on more than
one port, replace the Hub, otherwise replace the RAU.
Port 7 UL path loss is high.
Check the cable for high RF loss. Switch the cable connec-
tion to a different hub port. If the problem is on more than
one port, replace the Hub, otherwise replace the RAU.
Port 8 UL path loss is high.
Check the cable for high RF loss. Switch the cable connec-
tion to a different hub port. If the problem is on more than
one port, replace the Hub, otherwise replace the RAU.
Port 1 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 2 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 3 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 4 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 5 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 6 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 7 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If problem is common to more than one port, replace the Hub,
otherwise check RAU.
Port 8 UL path exceeds maxi-
mum gain.
If the problem is common to more than one port, replace the
Hub, otherwise check RAU.
Port 1 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 2 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 3 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 4 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 5 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 6 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 7 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Port 8 54 VDC Power Enabled.
Caution: Port 54 VDC power may be present at the output.
Table C-7
Warning/Status Message for Expansion Hubs (continued)