Quick Start - page 48
Issue 1.0
10.1 Introduction
A Chaser is a specific object, used to Build multi-step effects and always executed while
loaded in a Subfader. A Sequence can’t be set to run as Chaser.
General Facts
Chasers have Rate and BPM (BPM can be set with TAP).
A Chaser has playback direction’s modes such as Normal, Random, Reverse,
Bounce and Build mode.
You can limit any Chaser to a number of loops.
You can link any Chaser to a sequence step.
You can play back a Chaser from any Subfader and use the next following
Subfader as Speedmaster.
10.2 Recording a chaser
Using the keyboard
To Record a Chaser with the next free number (for a specific number, just add [#] before):
[Assign Key]
and raise the Subfader at 100%.
Enter the Name of the Chaser
In the Channels selected area:
just enter the number of Steps needed.
Tick the Set Times box to set times, enter the Stay and
the Fade Times.
The Open Editor on Accept option is checked by
If Unchecked, the editor won’t open automatically.
Click on the checkmark virtual button to validate:
the EDITOR window appears.