Adash 4900 – Vibrio III
Why perform vibration diagnostics
A4900 Vibrio III instrument is able to do all required basic vibration diagnostic measurements. That
means bearing condition, lubrication, mechanical faults ( misalignment, unbalance, mechanical
looseness and resonance). The instrument performs a lot of operations automatically. It’s possible to
connect ear phones to listen vibration signal, which is very useful for gearbox and slow running roller
bearing diagnosis. The instrument is able to measure machine vibration very precisely, to determine
condition, its source and level of damage. The instrument is designed to be a standard technicians
and maintenance staff equipment.
Vibration diagnostic allows checking the condition of all your machinery. You will be informed early
about potential failure before the machine get damage and you will be able to order only real specific
required maintenance (instead of expensive overhauls). The periodical measurements will allow you to
keep your machines in good health.
You always ask before the decision to buy new instruments what unit is the best for your needs. Is it a
instrument with a large amount of functions, including specialized software for data processing (which
you will not ever use), or is it an instrument which is easier to use and contains all required functions?
You should pay only for functions, which you will use in the field. The A4900 - Vibrio III is just that
instrument. The instrument uses standard external accelerometer with the magnetic base. It enables
correct repeatable measurements. You should not equate our unit with "vibration pens".