Speaker Placement
Tweeter at the height of ears
�he ��eeter should be positioned approximately at the height of your ears. In
case you need to position the speaker in a significant lo�er or higher position,
the monitor should be angled accordingly.
fig 3:
Tweeter at height of ears / speaker angling
The Stereo Triangle
If the loudspeaker is going to be used for stereo applications, the optimum
listening position should be located in the middle of a stereo triangle. �his
means that your listening position �ill be located at the top of an imaginary
equilateral triangle and the t�o loudspeakers should be placed at the other
t�o points of this triangle (see fig. 4).
�he loudspeakers should be aligned �ith the listener’s position.
fig. 4:
Stereo Triangle
• both loudspeaker and the listening
spot should be a equilateral triangle
• approx. the same distances
between loudspeakers and the lou-
dspeakers / the listening spot
• alignment towards listening spot