Dear customer,
Congratulations on choosing an ADAM Audio A7 nearfield monitor!
ADAM loudspeakers are built for maximum quality reproduction and audio
perfection. With the A7 you have selected a precise, high resolution speaker
system that allo�s you to professionally evaluate audio recordings. �his mo�
allo�s you to professionally evaluate audio recordings. �his mo�
nitor meets highest expectations in sound quality and craftmansship.
�his manual is intended to provide you �ith information about your ne�
ADAM. It contains
important information regarding safety, setting up,
handling, and warranty. We request that you read these sections carefully
to ensure an easy set up and to prevent potential problems.
�he A7 is a compact nearfield monitor. It is perfectly suited for small con�
trol rooms, recording vehicles and post�production suites�an ideal tool for
situations �here a combination of no�compromise sound reproduction and a
small footprint is required.
�he A7 is a t�o��ay ported active system that uses a single AR� t�eeter,
ensuring full compatibility �ith the latest expanded high frequency resolution
media formats, and a conventional bass/midrange driver belo� the crossover
frequency of 2.2 kHz. Each section uses an individual amp �ith continuous
output of up to 50 Watts (RMS).
If you have any questions about this or any of our products, please don’t hesi�
tate to contact us–�e �ill be happy to assist you in any possible �ay.
For detailed information concerning the ADAM technologies and products,
complete revie�s, and a list of �orld�ide ADAM users and studios, please
visit our �ebsite:
We hope very much that you really enjoy your ne� loudspeakers, and �ish
you many delightful hours �ith them.
�he ADAM Audio �eam