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The Six Quadrant Vector
Scope on the front of the
Cinema Reference is de-
signed to provide you with
a testing scope that
shows the input signal,
after decoding, prior to
volume adjustment. As
such, you can see if a
source signal has any
surround channel infor-
mation (lower right and
left quadrants), bass in-
formation (vertical movement on the right and left side of the scope),
or if the signal is only a mono signal (center channel deflection -
straight up). This is useful if you are uncertain as to which mode will
provide the best surround effect. It is also useful in the event a
speaker or amplifier channel is not functioning properly as if you
detect signal to that channel on the scope but hear no audio, you
may wish to investigate your connections, etc.
The Vector Scope, unlike the rest of the Cinema Reference’s front
panel display, is not capable of being dimmed. You can however,
turn the scope off if you do not like it.
To turn the Vector Scope on and off on the Cinema Reference:
Turn the MODE knob clockwise until the display reads SETUP
MODE and then press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob clockwise to until the display reads
VECTOR SCOPE press the MODE knob. The top line of
the display will read VECTOR SCOPE and the bottom
line of the display will read “IS NOW ON” or “IS NOW
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads the desired set-
ting, on or off. Then press the MODE knob to lock in that
Custom Setup - Vector Scope On/Off
The Cinema Reference’s Six
Quadrant Vector Scope is
capable of being turned on
and off. The Out Of The Box
Setup has the scope in the on
position. If you choose to,
you can turn the scope off
using the steps as described
in the following page.