AR4000 User’s Manual
LLL004001 – Rev 2.7
15. AccuRange Line Scanner
15.1 General Description
The AccuRange Line Scanner consists of a motor with encoder and a mirror
mounted on the motor. The mirror is machined from aluminum and coated with
protected silver for high reflectance for both the 4000-LV and 4000-LIR. The
mirror is encased in a cylindrical sleeve which together with the mirror forms a
balanced system for minimum vibration when rotating.
The mirror deflects the outgoing beam from the sensor 90 degrees, and sweeps it
through 360 degrees as the mirror rotates. Returning light is deflected off the
mirror back into the sensor. The mirror surface is sized to match the collection
aperture of the sensor.
Sensor and scanner are mounted on a flat plate that holds the mirror in the proper
location relative to the sensor. The plate causes a blind spot of about 60 degrees
of arc.
The line scanner is intended to be primarily used as a constant-speed scanner,
although it is possible to control the position of the mirror through software to
create a point-to-point scanner.
15.2 Scanner Performance Specifications
Mirror Reflectance: 96%. Total losses are 8% for the outgoing and return light
together. This results in a slight reduction in sensitivity, which is not usually
Maximum Motor Speed: 2600 R.P.M. Custom configurations with larger motors
for higher speed are possible. This speed should not be exceeded. even though it
is possible to do so with high motor power supply voltages and/or motor power
Encoder: 2000 quadrature counts per revolution. 0/5 Volt levels, 2 channels plus
index pulse.
Speed and Power Consumption: Motor speed at different voltages is shown
below. This is the typical speed with power applied directly to the motor. If the
scanner is controlled through the High Speed Interface, the motor speed will
depend on the power level for which the motor is programmed.