AR4000 User’s Manual
LLL004001 – Rev 2.7
the button until the LED has flashed 4 times. Release the button. The LED will
flash 10 times, pause, flash 4 times, and the baud rate will be set to 2400.
13.1 Command Quick Reference
One byte commands are shown below as ASCII Code:<Commandcharacter>.
Multiple byte commands are shown as:
ASCII Code: <Commandcharacter:> <<Parametername>>.
If the command may also be entered using the push-button, the number of LED
flashes for that command is also given below.
Bracketed numeric parameters [...] are optional. Omitting an optional numeric
parameter will set the value to the present internally measured value of that
parameter. When using the switch and LED to enter commands, many optional
parameters may only be set to their present values, since high resolution entry is
not possible with the switch as an input device.
Default settings are for the factory configuration.
The notation (Serial Entry Only) indicates that the command cannot be given
using the pushbutton on the back of the sensor.
Command Name
Length Command Code
Default Setting
Set Sample Interval
3-8 bytes
ASCII Code: S<Interval>
(20 <= Interval <= 9999999)
Input switch code: 8<Rate Code>
5 samples/second
Set Maximum Range
1-6 bytes
ASCII Code: F [<MaxRange>]
(0 <= MaxRange <= 99999)
Input switch code: 5
650 inches
Set Zero Point
1-6 bytes
ASCII Code: Z[<ZeroPoint>]
(0<=ZeroPoint <= 99999)
Input Switch code:1
Zero range
Set Zero Point
1-8 bytes
ASCII Code: Y[<ZeroPoint>]
(0<=ZeroPoint <= 9999999)
Input Switch code:16