AR4000 User’s Manual
LLL004001 – Rev 2.7
Laser Power Off
1 byte
Input switch code: 7
Factory Default: Laser on.
Turns the laser off. For both the 4000-LIR and 4000-LV, this command turns the
laser off within 50 microseconds of reception.
Enable Serial Data Output
2 bytes
ASCII Code: A <Mode>
Input switch code: 11 <Mode>
Default: English calibrated output enabled, Low level internal sensor data
(uncalibrated) output disabled, flow control disabled.
Enables serial output transmission. Either or both of calibrated distance and
internal sensor information may be transmitted at every sample time. Calibrated
distance may be ouput in either inches or millimeters. If only calibrated output is
enabled, the serial data stream consists only of actual distance measurements, in
either ASCII or binary format. If only internal sensor information is enabled, the
output stream contains only the uncalibrated range in internal sensor units, along
with the signal strength, ambient light level, and sensor temperature. If both types
of output are enabled, the calibrated distance is followed by the sensor
Calibrated distance measurements are corrected for signal strength and
temperature with the AccuRange 4000 internal calibration algorithm. Calibrated
output is the form typically used, unless the amplitude and other information is
also required.
See the Output Data Formats section for a detailed description of the possible
output formats, in ASCII or Binary. For high sample rates, disable any unused
output mode. Disable both serial modes to halt serial output and improve the
update rate of the current loop output.
RS-232 flow control is also enabled with this command. See the section on Flow
Mode Value
Output Enabled
“1” or 1
Serial Calibrated Output in Inches
“2” or 2
Serial Uncalibrated
“3” or 3
Flow Control
“4” or 4
Serial Calibrated Output in Millimeters
If any serial output is enabled, and flow control is disabled or the DTR input is
asserted, sample data is transmitted over the serial line at the selected sample rate
and baud rate, in ASCII or binary as specified with the Set ASCII and Set Binary
commands. If flow control is enabled, the state of the DTR input on the serial
connector is monitored and output is suspended if the signal is false.