Route cable with slack loops allowing for axis motion.
Secure excess cable by fastening with clips or ties.
Attach the linear encoder connector to the readout.
Move the axis and compare counts versus displacement.
Move the axis 20mm (.79) to check reference mark operation.
These steps will confirm proper operation of your installation. The
Counting Test checks channel A and B output function and
Reference Mark operation. The Repeatability Test checks the
installation integrity.
Counting Test:
Configure the readouts encoder and display resolution.
Move the axis and monitor counts versus displacement.
Configure readout for sensing reference mark occurrence.
Move the axis a minimum of 20mm (axis display should zero).
Repeatability Test:
Locate an indicator on one end and zero out axis and indicator.
Move the axis through the full travel and return to dial zero.
Readout should read zero ± 1 count.
Move axis to end of travel.
Return to dial zero.
Readout should read zero ± 1 count.
Checking the Installation
Place dial indicator at the end of the moving
component (scale assembly or reading head).
Repeatability Test
Counting Test