A variety of mounting conditions can be accommodated.
Mechanical configuration of the equipment determines brackets
and adapters required to install the linear encoder.
Three typical conditions are shown; flush, offset, and backup spar
Mounting surfaces offset.
Installation without backup spar.
Use leveling set screws to eliminate spacers and shims.
Mounting surfaces flush within .005.
Reading head leveling set screws typically not required.
Flush or offset mounting surfaces with a backup spar.
Reading head bracket to reduce head mounting surface gap.
Use reading head leveling set screws.
Typical Mountings
ENC 150
1/4-20 x 1/2 BHCS
and spar washer
8-32 x 5/8 SHCS
(trim to fit)
1/4-20 x 1/2 BHCS
Backup spar mounting
on offset surface
A space over .188, requires the use of a spacer or reading
head bracket (shown) and leveling set screws.
1/4-20 x 1 BHCS
with encoder washer
8-32 x 1 SHCS
Offset mounting surface
Space of .188 or less use reading
head leveling set screws.
1/4-20 x 1 BHCS
and encoder washer
8-32 x 3/4 SHCS
Flush mounting surface
0.0 ± .005