Installation Guide
ver 2.1
page 17 of 31
5.8 Digital input
Figure 8: Digital input: state vs voltage
The input range extends from 0 to 24VDC (30VDC max). A zero logic (OFF) state is detected when the input level is
below 5Vdc. A one logic (ON) state is detected when the input level is above 10Vdc.
Warning: the logic level is undefined when the input is ranging between 5 and 10VDC.
Input voltage range
0 to 24 VDC
Input voltage absolute max
(varistor protection)
33 VDC
Zero state max input voltage (OFF)
One state voltage range (ON)
10 to 30 VDC
One state currents (ON)
3.8mA @ 12VDC
8.2mA @ 24VDC
3,5 kV
Pinout connector
See label and appendix (
Table 13: Specification of the digital input