WARNING. The machine is equipped with a two stroke engine.
Always run the machine with fuel, which is mixed with oil.
Only prepare the quantity of fuel for each job. Do not smoke.
Refill when the engine is switched off and away from naked
flame. AIways use a minimum octane number of 95 RON.
Mix fresh gasoline and ACTIVE oil in the ratio of 50:1 (2%). If
ACTIVE oil is not available use a good 2 stroke oil quality in
the ratio of 25:1 (4%) see fig.4
Important: always shake this fuel mix vigorously each time
you use it. Fuel mix properties deteriorate with time(except if
ACTIVE oil is used because it contains an additive to stabilize
the fuel) we therefore recommend that you only make the
quantity of fuel mix you will need for each usage. Do not use
fuel mix more than a week old as this could damage the
engine. Fill the fuel tank only to 3/4 capacity to allow for fuel
WARNING: always shut off the engine before refueling.
Slowly open the cap of the fuel tank, when filling up
with fuel, so that possible over pressure disappears. Tighten
the fuel cap carefully after fuelling. Always move the machine
at least 3 m (10Ft) from the fueling area before starting.
Before fueling clean the tank cap area carefully, to ensure
that no dirt falls into the tank make sure that the fuel is well
mixed by shaking the container before fueling
WARNING: in order to avoid any accidents, before starting the
engine,lock the gear box as follow.
- while rotating the machine ,push and turn clockwise the
ratchet (A) Fig.3.
- Make sure the drill is locked.
- Move ignition switch to (1) Fig.1/A.- Push primer bulb (A) Fig.5
repeatedly 5 to 6 times.
- Press a little bit the throttle trigger (2) fig..1/A.
- Move choke lever (A) to choke position (B) Fig.6.
Holding the unit pull the starting handle until the engine
attempts to run then move the choke lever (A) to open position
(C) Fig.6.
- Pull starter until engine runs.
- Once the engine has started, let the engine idle.
- Unlock the reduction gear turning counterclockwise the
ratchet (A) Fig.3.
WARNING: once the engine is warmed up do not use
the primer bulb (A) fig.5 and the choke (A) fig.6 to start
up the engine.
Do not hold the strarter handle in pulled out position,as this
may damage the strarting ass'y. Pull the starter handle and
while still holding it guide the handle back to the retract
Set the throttle lever (2) fig.1/A to idle position and wait a few
seconds to let the engine cool off. Move the ignition switch to
"STOP" position (0) fig.1/A.
WARNING: with the engine idling (2.600 - 3.000 rpm) the drill
should not rotate.If the idle speed is high, turn to counter
clockwise the screw (H) fig.2.
WARNING: if the drill for any reason locks into the soil
release immediately the throttle trigger otherwise the
clutch could be damaged.
- To free the drill procede as follows: lock the P.T.O. by pushing
and turning clokwise the button (A) Fig.3 (turn clockwise or
counterclockwise the machine till the reduction gear is locked).
Then turn the machine (by the handles) counterclockwise till
the drill is free to turn.
WARNING: when the drill is locked (by the button (A)
Fig.3) never turn the machine clockwise otherwise the
reduction gear could be damaged.
When drills over 15cm. diameter must be used is mandatory
to operate with two operators.
From time to time make sure all the screw are firmly secured.
Replace damaged, worn, cracked or warped parts. Always
make sure the drill have been assembled correctly.
Check and clean regularly according to the working conditions.
- Remove the cover (1)
- Take out the filter elements (2)
- Wash elements (2) with mix gasoline / oil and wring strongly.
WARNING: in order to safe and to avoid failures on the engine
is IMPERATIVE to use the specific oil for filter sponges. We
recommend the ACTIVE oil ref. 20010.
- Imbued the filters elements (2) with oil and wring them out
by squeezing.
- Reassemble in the opposite sequence to that listed for
To clean and to replace fuel filter, remove the fuel tank cap (3)
and pull out the filter (2) with a hook wire (1) or long forceps.
Check fuel filter periodically; replace it if is too dirty.
Regularly: it is important, in order to avoid engine overheating,to
remove dust and dirt from slots,from cylinder,cap and fins
using a brush or compressed air.
From time to time (at least every 50 hours) remove and clean
the spark plug and check the electrode gap (0.5 - 0.6mm.).
Replace spark plug about every 100 working hours or whenever
it is extremely encrusted. Heavily encrusted electrodes can
result from an incorrect carburetor setting or from wrong fuel
mixture (too much oil in the fuel) or a poor quality oil in the fuel
mix. Check and correct.
Type of spark plug to be fitted ACTIVE
In the case of a grease leak from the reduction gear repair it
immediately otherwise the gears could be damaged.
Every 500 hours replace the grease as follow:
- remove the 6 screws (D)
- dissasemble the engine / reduction gear housing (E)
- remove all the grease and replace it with a new grease.
- use molylite grease type.Fill 3/4 of the housing.
- assembly the engine on the reduction gear (E) and fix it by
means the 6 screws (D)
- test the machine and make sure there is no leak.
ACTIVE recommend to use the special grease ref.21039