ADt 001 M
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Initial SW download
After ACTIA delivery, customer shall install their application SW following “TGU-R ACCESS Customer Setup Manager »
The end of customer initial SW application download shall be detected via LEDs behavior, see chapter VII.8.5.
Customer shall ensure:
that there is no power supply loss till the process is completed
when initial SW update is completed, initiate a full shutdown before removing VBAT power supply
OTA SW download
For OTA SW update, customer shall:
ensure that there is no risk of sudden power loss (no VBAT under voltage condition or battery pack low
charging level, and any vehicle conditions that could trigger a risk of VBAT loss) before initiating SW update
follow SW update instructions specified in TGU-R ACCESS Host CPU API Specification
It is important to wait signal initiateUpdateDone and check that the returned value is 0 (OK)
ensure that the end of SW update is managed correctly by detecting end of downloading process via UPDATE
STATUS information
NAD module
Customer shall ensure that NAD module is switched off via SW application before sudden power loss in order to avoid
permanent NAD failure (this is especially required for product variants without optional battery pack)
NAD module switch OFF shall be done according to instructions specified in TGU-R ACCESS Host CPU API Specification
Power supply and temperature alerts management
Customer shall manage following events reported by low level SW:
VBAT and optional battery pack alerts (VBAT low voltage or/and discharged battery pack)
Over temperature alerts (yellow and red status)
When a VBAT low voltage, or/and discharged optional battery pack, or over temperature is detected, customer
application shall as soon as possible stop any data recording inside product memories and switch to full shutdown mode
before power loss, this to avoid any memory corruption and permanent product failure at next startup.
This shall be done according to instructions specified in TGU-R ACCESS Host CPU API Specification
Signal termination management
When low level SW reports SIGTERM or SIGKILL or SIGINIT events, customer application SW shall immediately close all
application process using a signal handler after closing opened sockets and files and doing the needed cleanup to
correctly exit (this to prevent filesystem error at next startup).
WIFI channels management
It is important to only use ACP services to manage WIFI channels in access point mode to avoid radar band interferences
and forbidden frequencies depending of countries.
Customer application shall check which channels are allowed in the country by using following DBus ACP method:
For more details see TGU-R ACCESS Host CPU API Specification
chapter IV. Interface