1. General
The ARTU series of remote terminal units are high performance intelligent distribution components, which are
applied in intelligent distribution, industrial automation and other fields, the ARTU100 series of remote terminal units
can provide switch input, switch output, analog input and analog output, and can transmit the collected signals to the
background through RS485 serial ports, RJ45 Ethernet interfaces, and 2G, Lora and 4G wireless communication.
Conforming standards:
GB/T 19582.1-2004
Modbus industrial automation network specification.
Part 1: Modbus application protocol
GB/T 19582.2-2008
Modbus industrial automation network specification.
Part 2: Modbus protocol implementation guide over serial link
Remote terminal unit equipment
Technical requirement for RTU with AC electrical quantities input
discrete sampling
DL/T 634.5101-2009
Tele-control equipment and systems. Part 5-101: Transmission
DL/T 634.5104-2009
Tele-control equipment and systems. Part 5-104: Transmission
2. Model description
Function code:
KJ8-8 path DI, 8-path DO MKA18-18 active path DI (220V)
KJ16-16 path DI MJ12-12 path DO
K32-32 path DI MA84-8 path AI, 4-path AO
Product model
1 path Ethernet