ACTentry V-IP Operating and Installation Manual
Page 4
1.1 System Overview
The ACTentry V-IP (
ideo/audio over
) system is a TCP/IP based video-
doorphone system. Access to the building can be administered from any PC
on the TCP/IP network.
The system consists of:
1. ACTentry V-IP Door Panel:
The door panel has a Call button, colour video camera and audio unit.
Note: The extended versions of the entry panel has a cut out for an ACT
1030 panel mount proximity reader.
2. ACTentry V-IP Controller:
The controller has an Ethernet interface and converts video and audio
signals from Door Panel to TCP/IP data. It also has door and alarm inputs
and outputs. The relay for opening the door is contained in the V-IP unit for
additional security. The V-IP unit should always be on the secure side of
the door.
3. ACTentry V-IP Software:
The software requires a PC with a soundcard and ACT handset (provided)
and PC speakers (not provided).