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Version 1.0
idvation GmbH
Otto-Hesse-Straße 19 / T5
Phone +49 6151 9926567
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Page 80 of 84
Page 80 of 84
ABS_MSG_DLG_SHOW 0x51000000
Notifies that the feedback dialog should be shown.
pMsgData is always NULL.
ABS_MSG_DLG_HIDE 0x52000000
Notifies that the feedback dialog should be hidden.
pMsgData is always NULL.
Special message, which gives the callback a chance to cancel the interactive operation. pMsgData is
always NULL.
Note that this message is used only when flag ABS_OPERATION_FLAG_USE_IDLE was specified in
structure ABS_OPERATION.
This allows to cancel the interactive operation even in single-threaded applications.