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Version 1.0
idvation GmbH
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2.0. BSAPI
2.1. Terminology
BSAPI – Biometric Services API
FM – fingerprint module (fingerprint reader device) connected to host
HOST – computer where the FM is connected to
BioAPI – the industry standard for biometric API, developed by BioAPI Consortium [].
All references to BioAPI in this document assume version 1.1 of the standard.
BioAPI Framework – reference implementation of BioAPI, by BioAPI Consortium.
(BioAPI) BSP – Biometry Service Provider; 3rd party module pluggable into BioAPI Framework. BSP
provides support for particular device (e.g. fingerprint reader).
BSP API – API below BioAPI Framework, specifying interface between BioAPI framework and BSPs.
TFMESSBSP – Upek BSP implementation, supporting TFM and ESS devices.
2.2. Overview
BSAPI was designed to meet these requirements:
Similar to BioAPI: development team familiar with BioAPI should be able to adopt BSAPI easily and in
reasonably short time.
Compatibility with TFMESSBSP: BSAPI will provide functions which can behave exactly as corre-
sponding functions in TFMESSBSP. (Future version of TFMESBSP can be implemented on top of
BSAPI easily.)
BSAPI will be implemented in simple DLL. Unlike BioAPI, BSAPI does not require any framework to
use it.
BSAPI will provide more functionality comparing to BioAPI, so more biometric and miscellaneous
features of our devices will be available (e.g. navigation).
Avoid need to use any low level API (e.g. PTAPI).
Do not misunderstand the term “compatibility” with BioAPI as used in the list above. There will be no binary
compatibility between BioAPI and BSAPI, nor compatibility on source level. BSAPI will provide set of function
which will allow all code using BioAPI (with TFMESSBSP) to be rewritten to use BSAPI instead, with exactly
the same behavior.
In fact, as further described below, future versions of TFMESSBSP will be thin layer on top of BSAPI.
2.3. Architecture
BSAPI is composed of several dynamic libraries (.DLL on Windows. On other system, other file extension is
BSAPI.DLL, which contains all core functionality. This library will be mostly platform independent on
source level. Porting BSAPI to additional platforms (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X) will be relatively cheap and
fast task assuming that the underlying libraries are ported as well.
BSGUI.DLL providing default implementation of GUI callback. The library loads graphics from sepa-
rated .zip file (window decorations and feedback images), so that customization of look & feel is pos-
sible. The library supports multiple languages (localization), generally those supported in our other
software. Applications can provide their own callback and in such case, they do not use this library.
Please note that currently BSGUI.DLL is available only for Windows platform.