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Version 1.0
idvation GmbH
Otto-Hesse-Straße 19 / T5
Phone +49 6151 9926567
D-64293 Darmstadt
Fax +49 6151 3689296
Page 61 of 84
Page 61 of 84
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_254_254_4 9
Grab the whole finger with 1:2 sub-sampling (254 x 254 DPI, 8 bits), and cut off to 4 bits per pixel.
Supported by ESS only.
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_508_508_8_WIDTH208 10
Grabs centered windows of size 208 x 288 pixels, in full resolution of 508 x 508 DPI and 8 bits/pixel.
Supported only by TFM, ESS.
Grab the whole finger in full resolution (508 DPI), 8 bits per pixel. It's recommended to prefer
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_508_508_8_COMPRESS2 whenever supported by the device.
Supported by ESS.
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_508_508_4_SCAN4 12
Grab the whole finger in full resolution (508 DPI) in 4-bit scanning mode. This mode has lower power
consumption but also lower image quality.
Supported only by ESS older than 2.1 rev.K.
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_381_381_8_FAST 13
Grab the whole finger with 3:4 sub-sampling (381 x 381 DPI), 8 bits/pixel. This mode internally uses
the 508 x 254 scanning, which supports faster finger movements at the cost of lower image quality.
Supported by ESS and TCD 50.
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_508_254_4_SCAN4 14
Grab the whole finger with 1:2 sub-sampling in Y axis (508 x 254 DPI) in 4-bit scanning mode. This
mode has lower power consumption but also lower image quality.
Supported only by ESS older than 2.1 rev.K.
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_254_254_4_SCAN4 15
Grab the whole finger with 1:2 sub-sampling (254 x 254 DPI) in 4-bit scanning mode. This mode has
lower power consumption but also lower image quality.
Supported by ESS.
ABS_PVAL_IFMT_381_381_4_FAST 16
Grab the whole finger with 3:4 sub-sampling (381 x 381 DPI, 8 bits), and cut off to 4 bits/pixel. This
mode internally uses the 508 x 254 scanning, which supports faster finger movements at the cost of
lower image quality.
Supported by ESS and TCD 50.
Grab the whole finger with 3:4 sub-sampling (381 x 381 DPI, 8 bits), and binarize to 1 bit/pixel. This
mode internally uses the 508 x 254 scanning, which supports faster finger movements at the cost of
lower image quality.
Supported by ESS and TCD 50.