Transferring the system to a new disk
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2005
To resize either partition, check the
Proceed Relayout
box. If you are satisfied
with the partition layout shown, uncheck this box (if checked). Clicking
will proceed to the cloning script window.
Be careful! Clicking Back in this window will reset all size and location changes that you've
selected, so you will have to specify them again.
First, select a partition to resize. It will become underlined red.
Resize and relocate it on the next step.
You can do this by both entering values to
Unallocated space before
Unallocated space after
fields, by dragging partition borders, or partition
If the cursor turns to two vertical lines with left and right arrows, it's pointed at the
partition border, so you can drag it. If the cursor turns to four arrows, it's pointed at
the partition, so you can move it to the left or right (if there's unallocated space
near it).
Having provided the new location and size, click
. You will be taken two steps
back to the partition layout. Perhaps, you will have to perform some more resizing
and relocation before you get the layout you need.