3.2.11 Opened/Saved Files History
The Windows operating system has a standard dialog box for opening/saving
files. You can see this by selecting
, or
Save As…
in a standard
Windows application (Notepad, Paint, etc). Every office application has a
similar dialog box.
Windows Open (Save, Save As...) window
All information about access to application files (Word, Excel, etc.) and
folders are stored as links in the D:\Documents and Settings\<user
name>\Recent folder. Even if a file was deleted, it is referenced from the
Recent folder. The link contains the file and folder name, plus the creation
and modification date. Tomaintain confidentiality of your PC activity, the
opened/saved files history must be cleaned whether a file or folder was
deleted or not.
Performing the PC clean-up, Acronis PrivacyExpert will destroy the
opened/saved file history according to the provided «Files» value.
Chapter 3 : Separate PC Components Clean-up