EtherStax™ ES2163/2164 User’s Manual Modbus TCP/UDP/IP Analog Input
Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0880 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:
Your unit is not as shipped from the factory and you do not know the
Username and Password settings…
If you forget your user name & password, you can always toggle the unit into
default mode via the DFT toggle switch at the front of the unit (hold this
toggle 4 seconds to invoke default mode). In this mode, the password and
username will revert to the original defaults of “User” and “password” (unit
assumes an IP address of in its default mode), allowing you to
re-invoke the Password Configuration Page and change the username and
password settings as required.
If after applying power, your green RUN LED is not solid ON after 25
seconds and is blinking continuously, you need to do the following:
Normally on power-up, the green RUN LED will blink for about 25 seconds
during initialization, then stay ON. But if you powered the unit up without
making your network connection, the green RUN LED will continue to blink.
If RUN continues to blink, first check that your network cable is connected to
the unit and to your PC. If you replaced the network cable after powering-up,
the RUN LED should stop blinking after about 10 seconds once a network
link has been established. Once the link is established, the green RUN LED
should not continue to blink and should stay ON, even if you later remove the
cable while still powered up.
If you have checked your network connections and the green RUN LED
continues to blink…Reset, Restore, Return:
Reset: Try resetting the unit by momentarily depressing the DFT/RST toggle
switch to the RST position. After about 25 seconds, the green RUN LED
should remain ON.
Restore: If you’ve tried resetting the unit and the green RUN LED still
continues to blink, then you may need to follow the procedure for restoring
the EtherStax to its initial configuration. This procedure is located at the end
of the Trouble-Shooting section of this manual under “Getting Out Of
Trouble” on page 50. Note that this is also the procedure used to sanitize
the unit for de-commissioning. You should only do this as a last resort, as
this procedure restores everything to its default state—all holding registers,
network settings, i2o settings, including any calibration you may have
If you do use restore and want to return the unit to service, the calibration
reference will additionally have to be “restored” separately via the Restore
Factory Voltage Reference Value button of the Input Calibration Page.
Inputs will be calibrated automatically by default, but any manual calibration
you may have done to improve accuracy is lost after restore and may need
to be rechecked.
Return: At this point, if the green RUN LED continues to blink after resetting
and after restoring, then you may need to return the unit for repair.
If you need additional help and you have already reviewed the material in
this manual, please contact the factory.
Guide to Quickly